Ricardo Software 2019.2

The 2019.2 release from Ricardo Software is now available including updates to our whole suite of software. The key highlights are: the release of the new VECTIS solver; significant speed-up of our engine tool, ENGDYN and finite element program FEARCE; new state-of-the-art predictive combustion models for WAVE and WAVE-RT; and several improvements to Ricardo proprietary libraries distributed with IGNITE. A series of advanced new features will deliver for you improved accuracy, efficiency and greater integration between our tools.
NOTE: You must update Ricardo License Manager to version 11.15 to use Ricardo Software 2019.2
How to download License Manager v11.15
Fluid Dynamics
WAVE - 1D engine performance tool for engine optimisation and virtual calibration
- Functional mock-up unit/interface import and export improvements to increase the compatibility of WAVE with other software products for Software-in-the-Loop and Hardware-in-the-Loop applications and co-simulation
- IGNITE driveline (and other models) can be run directly from WAVE improving plant model capabilities for SIL and HIL simulation using Ricardo’s integrated modelling environment
- New valve type enabling simulation of engines with variable cam profiles
- New ambient mass flow and velocity actuator so exhaust system suppliers can simplify their models by replacing the engine by appropriate boundary conditions.
- Dependent parameter for R-Desk improves the usability and flexibility by allowing users to setup model parameters in the most convenient approach for them
- New combustion model for SI engines based on physics and not on the chamber geometry. Ideal for predictive studies
WAVE-RT - Faster than real-time 1D engine performance tool for system optimisation and virtual calibration
- Several physics updates on WAVE-RT elements improving the correlation between WAVE and WAVE-RT which reduces the validation and calibration time for the whole project
VECTIS - 3D computational fluid mechanics tool for combustion and thermal systems
- New enhanced tabulated chemistry tool, R-Flame+, for advanced combustion analysis to support development of cleaner engines. The released implementation comes with mechanisms suited for gasoline, diesel and natural gas fuels. The tabular format enables a faster simulation
- Per hole fuel tracking capability facilitating improved injector nozzle design through the optimisation of injector hole patterns
- The ability to handle water injection as an inert fuel for the development of advanced emission control strategies
- The first release of the New VECTIS solver with ICE simulation capability including dynamic cut cell method for moving boundaries, new spray and wall film physics and advanced turbulence combustion models
Structural Mechanics
SABR - Design and analyse complex transmissions quickly and easily
- New detailed tooth contact analysis (TCA)
- Improved gear body deflection calculation and visualization
- improve accuracy and help understanding of the model behaviour
- Improved visualization of speed-torque load cases
- Improved bearing models
- influence of casing manufacturing error on the race offset and ability to be used to apply axial preload
- Lubrication cleanliness calculated based on ISO 281:2007
VALDYN - Quickly and accurately create, analyse and optimise models for valvetrain and drive systems
- HD Bearings
- Detailed bearing analysis in a com for load, wear, friction in complex systems using the newly implemented HD journal bearings
- Integration with SABR
- New import of SABR files and auto generation of a full dynamic model using Dynamic Bodies
- Ability to import transmission error data from GEAR TCA and LDP to improve analysis speed and accuracy
- R-Post using VALDYN result files
- New NVH tool to post-process speed sweep and transient simulation data
- A special tool to create frequency, speed or order cuts for quick and easy post-processing
ENGDYN - Accurate engine design and analysis from initial concept to final production
- Dynamic EHD Speed Improvements
- Significant speed improvement of the ENGDYN dynamic analysis with EHD bearings – up to 40x compared with 2018.1 release
- Increased speed of the Nodal Thermal Balance solution
- Import of secondary dynamic loads from PISDYN
- Translator of PISDYN result file to a simplified form which can be read by ENGDYN. More accurate loading for a block stress analysis or NVH prediction
PISDYN & RINGPAK - The most powerful tool for piston design and optimisation; from initial concept to final design, and the efficient predict ring-pack dynamics, lubrication and increased durability
- Ability to model general motion of the Big End, so the user can model Variable Compression Ratio
- Improved post-processing capabilities with the integration of R-Post, the new post processing tool from Ricardo Software. Some of the key features are: automatic templates and enables users to create their own templates, easy cross-plotting, easy export of data and images for reporting, and export/sharing data and charts without the parent data source file
- Solver speed has been improved and a typical model is now 2-3 times faster. It was achieved by an improved convergence which makes the solution more robust as well
FEARCE - Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for vehicles and engines in pre- and post-processing envirnoments
- Improved usability and accuracy for high cycle fatigue calculation
- Uses market standard guidelines and new Material Editor for fluids, lubricants and surfaces
- Significative speed up for dynamic reduction (CMS)
- 20x compared with 2018 and 2x compared with Abaqus 2017. And the number of processors to be used can be selected in the GUI
- Interface for topology and shape optimisation using GENESIS©.
- Ricardo Software integrated FEARCE functions to perform structural optimisation of IC Engine offering a robust solution for our users
- Enhancements on ADVentureCluster (ADVC) Translator enabling:
- FEARCE results to be used as input to RS Mechanical Suite
- Durability and NVH analysis in FEARCE
- Results presentation in R-Desk Viewer
Systems Engineering
IGNITE enables complex modelling and simulation of systems and sub-systems with comprehensive application-specific libraries
- Customizable traction controller enabling the users to analyse the driveline performance experiments involving the expected increased wheel slip due to climbing or high acceleration
- Developing an extensive support for modelling xEV motorcycles - performance and fuel economy of the hybrid motorcycles: beneficial as a starting point for users not specialized in hybrid controls
- Definition directly on the canvas enables much better dynamically and/or externally defined drive cycle based on traffic or driving conditions
- The CVT controller has been enhanced to support various hybrid vehicle architectures, so driving electrification – systems analysis for more types of vehicles
- The 3D visualization tool has been enhanced to support up to four different and independent camera views observing the simulation scenarios in order to focus/lock on the view detail. There is a brand-new tour for first time users with interactive examples
- Improvements to Ricardo proprietary libraries providing a richer collection of the tyre models and more accurate wheel slip predictions