Ricardo Software 2020.1

The 2020.1 release from Ricardo Software is now available including updates to our whole suite of software.
NOTE: You must update Ricardo License Manager to version 11.15 to use Ricardo Software 2020.1
How to download License Manager v11.15
Fluid Dynamics
WAVE & WAVE RT - State-of-the-art one dimensional (1D) gas dynamics simulation tool for engine performance and acoustic analysis
- WAVE-RT plant model can now be built in just 5 days
- Ricardo have delivered custom solutions that semi-automates the conversion of a plant model to WAVE-RT, including tuning if required.
- This semi-automated workflow has reduced the time to deliver a useable WAVE-RT plant model from 5 weeks to just 5 days.
- R-Post has been updated to allow quick comparison of results from different plant models
- This leading real-time solution is available to all as an Application Engineering project.
- Ricardo have delivered custom solutions that semi-automates the conversion of a plant model to WAVE-RT, including tuning if required.
- Enhanced WAVE’s linear acoustics solver available as a concept tool
- Calculation of transmission loss as accurately as a full non-linear WAVE analysis.
- Enables linear acoustics solver to be used as concept tool for early design iterations before proceeding to full non-linear analysis
- Heat Release Analysis tool in R-Desk
- Calculation of burn rates from measured in-cylinder pressure data and describe the physical phenomena as a combination of several Wiebe curves
VECTIS - 3D CFD tool can be used to model complex physics of combustion and thermal systems ensuring robust designs
- New models in class-leading Combustion and Spray analysis
- Advanced laminar-turbulent transition modelling during spark ignition and in fully developed flame stages of combustion, significantly improving accuracy of modelling SI engines
- New aerodynamic wall film stripping features for GDI and PFI applications based on Lopez de Bertodano correlation and Kelvin-Helmholtz instability
- Full multi-component and multi-fuel support for wall film stripping for complex fuels analysis
- Full GUI support for detailed kinetics Combustion Progress Variable models for premixed, partially premixed and non-premixed combustion regimes
- New tools for the recovery of detailed chemical composition from simplified engine representation in terms of thermodynamic state, equivalence ratio and EGR
- Thermal Management solutions
- Quick and easy set–up of complex models for catalysts, radiators and fans set-up
- New rain ingestion modelling capability
- Rotating Machinery
- New GUI for easy set-up of reduced fan modelling
- New advanced set-up for detailed modelling of rotating machinery, such as fans, turbochargers and electric motors
- Advanced meshing
- Accurate resolution of sharp geometrical features with polyhedral meshes
- Precise control over tetrahedral and polyhedral mesh clustering for improved resolution of key flow areas
- Improved performance and scalability
- Improved fast and scalable wall-distance solver enabling fast complex turbulence and flame quenching modelling
- Speed and scalability improvements for large-scale simulations with wall film bringing notable speed improvements for multi-cylinder analyses
- Improved post-processing
- Numerous enhancements in data acquisition sensors for monitoring probes, surfaces, open boundaries, interface and volumes
- Flame front data acquisition support for detailed analysis of combustion systems
- New easy-to-use extraction process for near-wall quantities in R-Viewer
- Extensive usability improvements in data extraction in R-Viewer
Structural Mechanics
The essential suite to design, analyse and optimise mechanical systems in terms of friction, durability and NVH
Many of the new features in VALDYN and SABR are included as part the new integrated Ricardo Transmission Solution, but are of benefit for other applications of those products.
VALDYN - a multi-body dynamic and kinematic simulation package specifically developed for valvetrain and drive-system analysis and cam and spring pack design
- Modelling of e-Machines for fully electric and hybrid powertrains
- New E-Motor element with easy-to-use interface allows the analysis of electric machines by defining a force profile map from Industry-Standard 3rd-Party electromagnetic software packages.
- For 2020.1 an interface to Motor-CAD is included
- Import of previously generated multi-dimensional maps containing stator forces at all teeth as a function of speed, angle and eccentricity.
- Application of stator forces to an FE model to capture the dynamic interaction between rotor and casing
- New E-Motor element with easy-to-use interface allows the analysis of electric machines by defining a force profile map from Industry-Standard 3rd-Party electromagnetic software packages.
- Improved transmission and gear analysis functionality
- Integration with the R-Post NVH post-processing tool for detailed analysis of vibration data
- Time domain analysis with respect to time as well angle to enable easier set-up of transient analyses
- Up to 60% faster solution times for models using Dynamic Bodies, with improved scalability for analyses of complex models using multi CPUs
SABR - a proven shaft, gear and bearing conception and design package
- Improved data handling between SABR and SABR-Gear for better workflow
- Enhancement of bearing power loss calculations
ENGDYN - Accurate engine design and analysis from initial concept to final production
- Significant speed improvement of the ENGDYN dynamic analysis with EHL bearings
- Usability improvements when defining bearing profiles for EHL analyses
PISDYN & RINGPAK - The most powerful tool for piston design and optimisation; from initial concept to final design, and the efficient predict ring-pack dynamics, lubrication and increased durability
- 50% speed-up of RINGPAK solutions
- Updated three-piece Oil Control Ring (OCR) model with distributed mass for improved prediction of ring dynamics
FEARCE - Finite Element Analysis (FEA) for vehicles and engines in pre- and post-processing environments
- Faster model building time in all of the Mechanical Products including PISDYN, ENGDYN and VALDYN
- User friendly interface for fast vibration and noise simulations
- The NVH toolset previously only supported using the batch script is now available in the FEARCE GUI.
- New solution objects provide an integrated process for calculating frequency domain loading, frequency and time domain vibration and radiated noise
- Improved accuracy and faster solution of High Cycle Fatigue
- Support of FKM compressive strength factor based on material type
- At least 50% faster FKM-based durability solutions