VECTIS - Efficient workflow analysis across complete simulation processes

The value added by 3D CFD analysis is derived not only from the accuracy of the simulations, but also from the efficiency of the simulation workflows. Realis 3D CFD solutions put engineers in control and help them accelerate the complete simulation process and drive down the costs of the analysis. We enable you to :
- Build fully automated workflows covering the complete simulation from geometry preprocessing to the analysis of results with Python® and R-Desk scripting
- Create parametrised models and simulations, easily generating and tracking simulations of multiple configurations with a single source parameter table
- Easily analyse and compare outcomes of parametric simulations in a single simple and powerful post-processing environment
- Powerful User-Programmable Routines (UPR) interface allowing easy access to core solver data Construct seamless 1D/3D CFD integrations with Realis WAVE or other (GT-Power®) third party 1D CFD tools