VECTIS - Rapid automated meshing of moving boundary conditions

At the heart of every 3D CFD modelling lies the process of spatial discretization. This is typically a time-consuming area of modelling and one which impacts most the accuracy of the simulations. VECTIS provides capabilities helping users model space and motion accurately and quickly :
- Rapid import, repair and pre-processing for ICE simulations of CAD geometries and STL surface meshes
- Class-leading fully automated fast Cartesian, Tetrahedral and Polyhedral grid generation
- Multi-domain and sub-domain handling including unique Full Arbitrary Grid Interface (AGI) for non-conformal grid interfaces
- Realis Arbitrary Dynamic Mesh Cut–cell (ADMC) Finite Volume Method delivering accurate automated mesh generation without distortion or re-meshing on any type of grid
- Ability to work seamlessly with third party grid generation tools through CFD General Notation System (CGNS) interface