ENGDYN - bearing analysis

ENGDYN directly couples the crankshaft and cylinder-block dynamics with the bearing oil film to allow the user to perform a range of analyses to aid bearing design. ENGDYN incorporates a hierarchy of solution methods, from the industry standard mobility method through to more rigorous hydrodynamic (HD) and elastohydrodynamic (EHD) models. Whether early in a programme, when only concept-level models are available, or when detailed studies are required, ENGDYN provides the tools for the engineer to assess bearing performance.
Specific bearing applications
- Bearing-type selection
- Bearing durability
- Friction and mass-flow calculations
- Load transfer to powertrain
Key features
- Direct coupling of crankshaft and crankcase dynamics with bearing
- Mass-conserving hydrodynamic-lubrication modelling
- Boundary lubrication modelling
- Thermal-balance modelling
- Viscosity-pressure and viscosity-temperature dependence
- Compressible flow to include effect of oil aeration